Monday, April 6, 2015

The Tank Top Life

Spring has sprung in Palo Alto, and Orelia has been prepared for months.

She hasn't worn a coat since January and now strictly only wears tank tops and "tank top dresses."

Orelia's strong opinions on clothes cannot be overemphasized.  Her feelings can change on a whim, and are particularly likely to change if she can look "like you."

Thankfully, Noni was already wearing a shirt in just the same hue, so Orelia didn't need to change for the tenth time that day.

I took these pictures the day Noni arrived back in town after her trip to Hawaii.

Orelia can be slightly prickly about taking too many photos, but she was more than happy to cozy up to Noni for pictures that afternoon.

If The Thinker were a two and a half year-old blonde...she would be sitting next to her Noni pondering life.

When the underbite comes out you know she's being feisty.

And angelic the next moment.  Toddlers.

Here's to many more spring afternoons spent cuddling on the porch in purple tank tops.

1 comment:

  1. Arianna always prefers her dresses "with handles" as she calls the tank top dresses :)
