Thursday, June 16, 2016

Bennett's First Trip to Disneyland

 Did Bennett have a good first trip to Disneyland?

 First of all, thanks for asking.  Secondly, yes Bennett loved Disney and everything about it!

By which I mean, he loved all the different places where he could play with trucks at Disneyland.

 He loved playing with trucks in the baby pool.

He loved playing with trucks while his sister ate ice cream.

He loved playing with trucks while hanging out with Daddy.

 Oh wait, here he is quietly enjoying some poolside relaxation.

 Which of course involved trucks.

 He played with trucks while he waited in lines.

 He also played peekaboo while he waited for his sister.

 But it was peekaboo with trucks.

 Occasionally he put his trucks down to enjoy a book about trucks.

 When he was really lucky, his sister enjoyed a roller coaster somewhere that had some dirt to use with his trucks.

 He's more than capable of playing with trucks midair while in someone's arms.

 I think John drew the line with playing with trucks on top of his head, though.

Bennett rode loads of rides and by the end of our visit he didn't even dislike the rides.  But his real joy was found playing with trucks in every different location he found himself in.

Happy first trip to Disneyland, Bennett!  Now I know why toddlers get into the park for free.


  1. HAHA, so glad he was free! And that at least he had his trucks to keep him content while his sister princessed it up. He cracks me up.
