Monday, October 2, 2017

Bennett's First Day(s) of School

Bennett has been going to school for the past month, and he absolutely loves it.

Taking his first day of school photos was such a breeze compared to his sister, since he has no apprehensions about starting a new class and no expectations.

 He's in two preschool programs this year (totaling three half days of school), so he had two "first" days of school.

 On both "first" days he was happy as can be and was so excited for it to be HIS turn to finally go to school (since his sister started school in mid-August).
 He loves his teachers, loves his classrooms, and is beginning to develop some little buddies in class.

 He comes home asking the funniest questions like "What is Ian's daddy's name?"  (I have no idea, of course.)  It's nice to see him thinking about his classmates though.

True to form, he's always happy to report what he's served at snack as well.

 Here he is filling himself up with gas, something I can assure you his sister never bothered to do.

 One of his classroom's is Orelia's old classroom, and it's hilarious to see how different their preschool experience will be based on their personalities and interests.

 So far their activities have had almost zero overlap (other than things like Play doh, which is used by everyone).  Orelia never used these trains or these blocks.

 And while Orelia may have put this hat on, she never declared herself "Bob the Builder."

 Bennett last year showed no interest in art or painting, but he has proven himself very diligent on the easels this year painting several "forests" and "jungles."

 This is the first time he's ever told me he created anything other than a truck, so it's fun to hear about it.  Create away, my boy!

 He got to celebrate his birthday in class, and was pretty aware and excited about his birthday status.

Well halfway through his birthday song, he dumped his water out to put out the candle.  I love this photo as it perfectly captures his "yeah, that just happened" attitude.  Immediately following his tough guy stance were a thousand tears since he was covered with water.

Oh to be three again!

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