Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lost Photos of a Summer Day

I've been taking A LOT of photos recently.  So many that I'm coming across old photos in my folders that I never posted and barely remember looking through.

 About a month ago, I snapped some photos of a typical summer day around here.

 Harper and Orelia were playing fetch together.

Or something.

I probably thoroughly confused Orelia by snatching the dirty dog ball from her mouth one second and then letting her have her way with it the next second.  I have mixed feelings on that dirty dog ball.

Orelia only has feelings of love and adoration for that thing.

After what I can only imagine was some bodily fluids accident, we had an outfit change and brought out the steel tub.

Oh the fun to be had by pouring water from a cup.

One year olds are fun tiny humans.

Apparently we finished off the day with her favorite pucker face.  She loves to make this face and snort through her nose.  She especially likes it when someone else makes the face in return.  (I imagine I do look pretty silly doing it.)

Though these photos were nothing special, I'm glad I found them again.  They epitomize my first summer with Orelia which is coming to a close all too quickly.  By next summer I'm sure we will have lost the precious pucker face and the steel tub may no longer hold any appeal.  I have high hopes, however, that fetch with Harper will remain a favorite activity.

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