Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Fun One

On a very rare occasion, I get to be "the fun one."

The other night, the winds must have shifted, and the fates aligned.  Somehow it was my turn to be the fun one for the night.  (Keep in mind the kids are always fun, it's just that usually one parent watches while the other one creates orderly chaos.)

 Orelia and I chased each other all over the backyard and were somehow fighting over dead flowers and John was providing Orelia with off-color nicknames to call me.

Orelia especially liked not understanding the off-color names, but knowing I didn't care for them much.

Bennett happily enjoyed some pushes on the swing from Daddy, while I waged war as an evil queen against a good princess.

Daddy is unquestionable better at games of chase and superhero fighting, but it was good for Orelia and I to both see that Mommy has some superhero powers too.

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