Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Getting a Few Things Right

With all the pregnancy advice out there, it's easy to get a bit overwhelmed with all the things you are supposed to be doing, but aren't.  So I'm trying to focus on the positive --- the things I'm doing that I feel warrant me a pat on the back:

1)  Getting enough calcium.  I am going through more dairy than I ever have in my life - milk, yogurt, and cheese sticks are a daily part of my diet, and I'm trying very hard to make sure baby girl doesn't need to steal calcium from her mama's bones in order to build her own.

2)  Exercising a little bit every day.  Now that I'm passed the nausea stage, I've been pretty consistent with doing a some exercise every day.  I can't handle running or anything too exhausting, but prenatal yoga and walking in my neighborhood are still worth doing.

3)  Eating protein.  Apparently you need a butt-load (the scientific measure) of protein when you are pregnant.  My pre-pregnancy diet was almost vegetarian during the week, so I needed to adjust and start eating meat at least once a day.  (All the dairy I'm eating now helps too.)

4)  Sleeping in!  Okay, this isn't exactly a pregnancy recommendation, but you are supposed to rest.  I used to wake up at 6:30 every morning, but now I sleep in until 7:00, 7:30, or 8:00 depending on the day.  That extra hour or so makes a big difference, I'm finding!  (And soon I'll be subtracting several hours of sleep from each night, so I figure I better make the most of it now.)

5)  Consuming at least some nutritional food.  Carbs are definitely my favorite food right now (or always?), but I am doing a decent job of at least eating a few pieces of fruit or some vegetables every day.  Some days are better than others, but that's what that prenatal vitamin is for, right?

6)  Taking care of my chompers.  Apparently pregnancy wages war on your teeth, and I'm trying to be extra careful about my dental hygiene lately...mostly because I detest Novocaine shots.  It's amazing how smug you can feel flossing and using mouth wash every day!

It obviously goes without saying that I'm not drinking or smoking or taking any medication on the off-limits list (oh, Excedrin, how I miss thee).  I haven't had an opportunity to turn down any unnecessary X-rays or cosmetic surgery, but let's pretend I get a gold star for that too.


  1. good job not getting plastic surgery!!! That's a hard one to live without for 9 months ;)

    Also, good job on the other stuff too :)

  2. hahaha, "butt-load", the most accurate of scientific measurements.
