Monday, May 7, 2012

27 Weeks and Big News

I'm 27 weeks pregnant, and I just got back from a law school reunion weekend in Charlottesville.

Here I am posing in front of my first year dorm, Hancock.  Not too many pregnant women get a chance to take this photo.  (Let's pretend they would take this picture if they had the chance.)

The day before I left for my DC/Charlottesville trip, I told my boss that I'm not taking maternity leave and not coming back to work after the baby comes.

Big news for me and to my boss!

Less than 13 weeks until our baby is due and 8 weeks until I done working as a lawyer.  Big changes coming soon to a life near me!


  1. Congratulations on your big decision! You will so enjoy being home with the little one!

  2. You will LOVE being home (after you get over that initial shock of having a baby... and then that OTHER shock of being home-- and are somehow insanely busy!). Congrats!
