Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Easter Afternoon

 Someone in our family has a big bald head and is always eager be in photos.

He always has a big smile ready.

 Not Bennett, of course, but Uncle Bobby!  "Will this be on the blog??"  he asks.  This time, it will be.

Unfortunately for Uncle Bobby, he's not quite as cute as his niece wielding an umbrella (so no more photos of him).

Who knew the joy an umbrella could bring on a warm sunny day?

Before Uncle Bobby and Grandma left, we had a few extra egg hunts in the back yard with empty eggs.

 And there were lots of last snuggles on warm laps.

I cannot recommend sitting with Orelia while she is holding an umbrella.  She's very likely to take your head off.  An activity only a grandmother would love/tolerate.

I do, however, recommend giving Orelia a bottle of Crayola Color Foam and just getting out of the way.

It's almost as much fun as an umbrella on a sunny day or a bald-headed uncle or a tolerant grandma.

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