Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Boot Full

 Orelia is a bit of a girly girl.  I'm not sure if you've noticed or not.  So when we found a park with a creek and she actually wanted to go in, I made sure we went the next week with our rain boots and swim suit.

I want to encourage her adventurous spirit, especially when it is somewhat outside her usual comfort zone (ranging from Cinderella to Sleeping Beauty).

Well she did lots of wading in the very cold creek, and discovered that when walks into water higher than one's boots, the boots immediately fill with water!  Whoops.  After emptying the boots a few times, she played on the muddy banks and pretended to talk on a rock phone.

She then decided to get out, put on her sundress, and declared "I am never going in that creek again."
Kudos for trying something new, darling.

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