Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Family of Wrenches

 Last Saturday we had the post nap giggles in the backyard and were having a blast as a family.

 John volunteered to raise the seat on Orelia's balance bike and Orelia eagerly asked if she could help too.  She always wants to help with projects around the house, especially if tools are involved.  This project involved the allen wrenches, and I had to break out my camera to document the "family" of allen wrenches Orelia started playing with.

 There was a mommy wrench, a daddy wrench, a big sister wrench, and a little brother wrench.  I want to always remember this silly moment as quintessentially Orelia. Yes, she wants to help.  Yes, she wants to use tools.  Yes, she wants to do it wearing her pretend engagement ring.  And yes, she will turn the tools in family members.

And also, yes, she is aware her shirt is on backwards and she wants it that way.

 Who knows whether Bennett will turn out to be like her - making families out of tools and wearing shirts backwards.

For right now he's content to eat two pieces of pizza for a snack and wander around the yard with his favorite truck shirt.

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