Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Day in the Preschool Life

I am one of the class photographers for Orelia's preschool class where I work once a week.  On the days that my work in her classroom isn't too heavy, I love taking photos of her and her friends.

 Our blue-haired gal has tons of fun at school and is always into something new.

 Last week all of the students brought in tupperware full of ice to play with, and Orelia was especially fond of the giant purple ice someone brought in.  Everything with her has to be bright.  :)

 She loves singing songs and participating during circle time (though is slightly less interested in the story time at the end of class).

She is quite physical and likes to push the limits, so climbing out of a playhouse headfirst is right up her alley.

After getting the two outfits wet that we had brought to school, she borrowed Gigi's shirt and actually put on a pair of leggings.  This prompted her to become a "daddy" during her game of house.

 Nothing says "boy" like long curly hair and pink plastic necklaces.

Of course the bell was ringing for cleanup, but Orelia isn't one to go down without a fight.  She insisted on one last round of hopscotch before she would help get everything put away.  I, admittedly, wasn't cleaning up either, however, and was snapping this photo.  Like mother like daughter, perhaps?

My work days at school leave me exhausted, but I am so happy to be a part of her preschool experience.

Her school is such a great fit for her, and looking at photos of her adventures there always brings a smile to my face.

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