Thursday, February 2, 2017

On the Home Front

 Despite this photo, the kids have been having a lot of fun together lately.

 We got Bennett some toddler truck puzzles, and he was interested in them more than I thought any person has ever been interested in a puzzle.

 Orelia was so eager to help him learn how to do these simple puzzles, and the two of them have been loving this activity together lately.

 Orelia likes helping, and Bennett likes being helped by his sister.

The next morning they took their puzzling to the window seat.

 Bennett has been wearing Orelia's old button-down pajamas, and I am making sure to photograph what I consider to be one of the cutest things a child could ever wear.

 Doing these puzzles requires concentration.

 And getting tiny chubby fingers to do exactly what you want them to do.

I hope he wears these pajamas for the next 10-12 years.

 Other than puzzles, we have also been spending a lot of time baking.  Orelia loves bringing in her baked treats to share with her teachers at school.

 She feels really proud to share her hard work with those she looks up to.

This isn't an at-home activity, but Orelia celebrated Lunar New Year at school and enjoyed her turn in the dragon head (a turn for which she not-so-patiently waited).

Orelia has always loved these "special" days at preschool and had been planning her outfit to wear in the parade for weeks.

Both kids have been enjoying painting with water colors.

Orelia continues to prefer more abstract art and mostly enjoys experimenting with as many bright colors as possible and then gifting her artwork to someone to make them happy.

 When the weather is nice and sunny a stray (?) cat from nearby has been wandering into our yard.  My kids have always adored this cat, whom I consider to be the friendliest cat of all time.

Do you know a lot of cats that let little boys (especially not from their own family) drive trains across their backs?

This cat will follow anyone in our family around, meowing noisily until you pay it attention and give it some pets.

Bennett laughs hysterically when the cat rubs up against him, and I laugh too, because I've never seen a cat like this before.  

All is well on the home front, over and out.

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