Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Orelia Meets Bennett

Having a second child certainly means some extra challenges and more work than when you just had one tiny soul to care for.  Life can't revolve around the newborn when the older sibling needs someone to read books with, someone to prepare her meals, and generally just someone to give her attention.  When you have another child, however, you get to experience the joy of introducing your children to one another, and that truly is a great experience.

 We were lucky enough to have my dad on hand to capture the moment that we had been waiting for.

We waited to bring Orelia until the second day I was in the hospital so that I would be slightly more mobile and recovered.  I had my IV out by this point and was able to walk around, which certainly made me feel more human.  Orelia first ran to see me (John had already seen her the night before), and then John showed her "Baby Bennett" (his full name according to Orelia) in his bassinet.  

She was eager to get her hands on him, so we plopped her in bed next to me and Bennett got to experience his first sibling snuggles.

She dutifully practiced her "one finger touch," which is the very specific coaching we give her about gentleness.  

She was thrilled from the start and absolutely enamored by her little brother.  Hugs and kisses were doled out freely.

 Every day since she has lavished attention and love upon her tiny brother.  She always wants to know where he is and wants to hug and kiss him as much as possible.

A couple of days ago she said her first unprompted "I love you."  It wasn't to Mommy or Daddy.  "I love you, Baby Bennett," she declared while towel-clad and and heading to bed.  My heart melted, and I realized how grateful I am to have this sweet, affectionate child to serve as a role-model for my second-born.  She is a proud big sister who loves to help - she has already given Bennett more baths and taken him for more walks than Mommy.  We can't wait to see how their relationship grows.

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