Monday, September 8, 2014

Orelia's Second Birthday Bash

We celebrated Orelia's second birthday with a backyard bash and fifteen of her best friends.  

 The party started bright and early, so the day began with Krispy Kreme and progressed to a Chick-fil-a feast.  Only the best for our little girl.

 My parents were here for the party and basically did all the work.  Needless to say, I never would have been able to pull off a big party at eight months pregnant if not for them.

 We talked about the party with Orelia for weeks leading up to it, and perhaps the thing she focused on the most was that she would be eating chocolate cake with butterflies on top.

 It was excellent cake, and Orelia thoroughly enjoyed every bite.  She left the vanilla icing on her plate, however, because she vanilla icing was not part of the deal.

 Her post-cake smiles were the biggest of the day, I think, especially when topped off with some lemonade.

This girl loves her some "'dade" and literally expects it at every birthday party she has been to since her own.

After playtime and cake, the kids enjoyed a bubble show unlike anything they had ever seen.

Orelia was filled with wonder and a bit of fear of some of these monstrous bubbles.  

They literally took up the entire backyard.

All toddlers love bubbles, and Orelia's crew was absolutely fascinated.  

 The kids got a chance to blow their own bubbles too, which they loved.  Two year-olds love to do things themselves.  

This was Orelia's last birthday as an only child, and I'm glad we got to make the most of it.

Two year olds sure know how to party!

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