Monday, March 12, 2012

19 Week Ultrasound

Last week we went in for our 19 week ultrasound --- this is the big one where the spend an hour measuring every tiny detail on the baby to make sure things are growing at the right speed.  The technician didn't tell us, but that butt looks about the right size. 

Our technician was the king of subtlety, and this is how he chose to show us it was a girl.  He said "See, leg here, leg here, and nothing in between.  Girl!"  hahaha.  Thanks for the keepsake. 

The coolest thing about ultrasounds is to see the baby move inside.  We got to see baby girl sucking her thumb, which I thought was adorable while John bemoaned her future braces expenses. 

We didn't get any shots with the whole baby in there - head, arms, and legs - though I assure you she does have two legs.   It's amazing how scrunched she seems in there already...she has no idea what tight quarters she is in for soon!

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