Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ninja Baby

Baby girl has officially started to kick up a storm.  Now that I've experienced that feeling, there is really no question what is happening. It literally feels like something is kicking or punching you from the inside.  The kicks aren't too forceful or startling yet, just little reminders that she is alive and - literally - kicking.

All that kicking must be using up a lot of calories, because I have been starving for the past two days.  My doctor told me to cut back on the junk food (deservedly), and now that I'm watching what I eat, I can't seem to eat enough to actually fill my belly.  Sigh.  I guess I'll go eat some post-lunch carrot sticks for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. haha, how much junk food were you eating that the doctor made you cut back??

    Yay kicking!
