Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Delivery Update

Unless I go into labor tomorrow, we are scheduled for an induction on Thursday.  They may call as early as 5:00 AM, or as late as 5:00 PM, or they may be too busy to call at all (in which case, I would be induced on Friday).  Depending on the timing, it looks like our baby will likely be born on Friday - assuming the induction "takes."  In the meantime, we are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate our five year wedding anniversary (which actually happens on Saturday).  Lots of excitement around these parts, that's for sure.  Keep our baby girl in your prayers as we head into the next couple of days.  Hopefully I will be able to share the good news soon!

1 comment:

  1. "It that induction takes?!" Trust me, once they induce-- there is NO going back! :) And that's not necessarily a bad thing. PS- do they just call you at some and pull a Price is Right? "Golden Gate Family.... COMMEEEEEEE on down!"
    Congrats! Baby girls are the sweetest, cutest, and most fun!
