Thursday, August 16, 2012


I wouldn't say things are feeling normal yet, but things are starting to feel settled around these parts.  Everyone is on the same page about the feeding, waking, and sleeping situation and works together to make sure things run smoothly.

My mom is here and has been an immense help.  She has done a load of laundry basically every day and has been getting our lunches and dinners together (while also helping take care of Orelia).  I don't know what I'm going to do when she leaves!

Orelia is starting to make use of her many fancy baby gadgets, like this mamaroo swing.  So far she has enjoyed the "car ride" setting with ocean wave sounds in the background.  (And we have enjoyed that it puts her to sleep.)

Everyone in the house spends a lot of time marveling at how beautiful Orelia is and how happy we all are to be able to witness every second of her first week on earth.

We had our first pediatrician visit this morning, and I was pretty nervous about our first adventure out of the house with the baby.  Orelia did well though, and only fussed when appropriate.

The best part was to find out from the doctor that our baby girl is thriving.  She is already back to her birth weight in less than a week.  He was really happy to hear how things were going at home, and seemed relieved that John and I didn't seem miserable, like many sleep-deprived parents.  (Luckily we had had a really great night of sleep the night before.)  There's nothing like hearing how well your newborn is doing from an authority to make you feel good.